Below is the list of our OKX Bots with their trading pairs, leverage, investment percentage by position and minimum deposit amounts.
Click on the Bot name to go the Bot Page at OKX.
All Bots use 50% of the account initial balance and proposed leverage is x2.
MultiBot 16 Pairs: Funds Allocation BTC (3%), ETH (3%), BNB (3%), SUI (3%), ATOM (3%), MATIC (3%), DOGE (3%), FTM (3%), SOL (3%), TIA (3%), ETC (3%), ADA (3%), DOT (3%), OP (3%), LTC (3%), AAVE (3%). Minimum Initial Balance 10000 USDT
MultiBot 6 Pairs: Funds Allocation BTC (13%), ETH (8%), SOL (7%), LTC (7%), DOGE (7%), MATIC (7%) Minimum Initial Balance 2000 USDT
MultiBot 6 Pairs V2: Funds Allocation BTC (15%) ETH (8%), SOL (7%), OP (7%), SUI (7%), TIA (7%) Minimum Initial Balance 2000 USDT
Single Bots
BTC: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 700 USDT
ETH: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 500 USDT
ETC: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 300 USDT
DOGE: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 150 USDT
SOL: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 150 USDT
LTC: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 150 USDT
BNB: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
XRP: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
ATOM: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
MATIC: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
FTM: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
SAND: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
ADA: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
DOT: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
OP: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
AAVE: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 100 USDT
BTC: Funds Allocation (50%), Minimum Initial Balance 2000 USDT Caution this is a X10 Leverage Bot.