Welcome to the VFLOW Token Info page. In this section we will be sharing all information about the VFLOW Token. The page will be updated each time there is a change or development regarding the token. If you have any questions please contact us through the contact form at the Support Center Page.
TGE Date: 7/12/2023
Project Name: ValueFlow
Ticker: VFLOW
Type of Token: BEP-20
Chain: Binance Smart Chain
Total Supply: 250000000
Burn Functionality: Yes
Mint Functionality: Yes (to cover possibility of staking rewards running out)
Contract Address: 0x9A2a3813ba02ADd52907F6Cf8FA5358856a673bC
VFLOW Tokens Allocation
VFLOW Wallets
Wallet Name: Community Sup.
Tokens: 36M
Locked: No. Tokens are distributed to the Users through a monthly airdrop mechanism.
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: Staking Rewards
Tokens: 45M
Locked: No, will be locked into the Staking Smart Contract once it is deployed.
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: Reserve Wallet
Tokens: 88M
Locked: 3 Months Lock Up and equal instalments for 24 months there after
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: Team and Advisors
Tokens: 40M
Locked: 12 Months Lock Up and equal instalments for 18 months there after
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: Presale Tokens
Tokens: 0M
Locked: No. Tokens are kept till they are sent to the Launchpad and then return back.
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: Marketing Wallet
Tokens: 9.8M
Locked: No. Tokens will be used to pay for marketing and growth services.
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: Sales Wallet
Tokens: o
Locked: No. This wallet will be accepting all payments for sales of VFLOW Services.
Starting Date: 13/12/2023
Wallet Name: NFT Royalties
Tokens: 0
Locked: No. This wallet will be accepting all payments for royalties by NFT resales.
Starting Date: 23/12/2023
Wallet Name: VFLOW Deployer
Tokens: 0
Locked: No. This wallet was used for the VFLOW Token Generation Event.
Starting Date: 07/12/2023